Crewel work fabric


Crewel work is a hand embroidery technique traditionally done in Kashmir. It uses a hook and woollen yard to create intricate botanical designs. Crewel is done in both single and double ply patterns, using one or two yarns. Double ply produces a more detailed design, but takes more time.

The design is first inked onto a special translucent paper. Once the process is finished, holes are punched through the paper following the design sketch, correcting any deviations using skill and experience to perfect the design for the next step.

Once the design is ready, the pattern sheet is placed on an already laid out fabric and an ink-soaked cloth is wiped all over the design so that the ink seeps through the tiny pores in the design sheet to cast a nice and clean imprint onto the fabric underneath. The printed fabric is now ready to embroidery! Which will come alive with a variety of colours as the design takes shape. This is a slow process and takes a number of weeks per bolt of fabric. We hold a variety of designs in stock.

Single ply £35 per metre, double ply £45.

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